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Le Raid

Détails d'embarquement et emplacement des Fusiliers lors du Raid.

Dernière mise à jour le 13 Septembre 2023


At 1330 hre the order to leave for the Scheme Jubilee arrived. Everybody were singing and in very good humour.

At 1600 hrs we arrived at in Shoreham in a school occupied by the Marines.

There the C.O. announced the Raid on Dieppe. Everybody acclaimed with joy.

The Padre gave everyone absolution and asked them to prey.

At 1645 hrs each company went in different classes in the school to receive from their Company Commanders the last instructions.

The Padre gave communion to the Boys and said Au-Revoir.

At 1745 hrs Supper was given.

At 1830 hrs leaving in trucks for Shoreham Harbor.

At 1845 hrs arrived on R. Boats. 

At 2000 hrs we crossed the Channel - Nice sunshine and clam sea.

We received the order to get ready and to wait for further orders for the landing.

Répartition de l'effectif

À leur départ de Shoreham, les Fusiliers Mont-Royal sont répartie à bord de 26 LCP et de 4 LCT. 

Le plan d'embarquement est le suivant; 


20 hommes pour chaque LCP, 6 à bord du  LCT 145, 6 sur le LCT 365, 35 sur le LCT 127 et 35 sur le LCT 159.


Pour un total de 506 hommes.

Group 7 (Floating Reserve)

Forth Flotilla

LCP 186 Lt. Cdr. W. L. N. Wallace, R.N.V.R. (Flotilla Officer)

LCP 195 Lt. J. Hawkes, R.N.V.R.

LCP 187 Lt. F. Lock, R.N.V.R.

LCP 212 Lt. R. A. Durham, R.N.V.R.

LCP 175 Sub-Lt. S. G. P. Walker, R.N.V.R.

LCP 170 Sub-Lt. W. E. Ibell, R.N.V.R.

LCP 188 Sub-Lt. D. B. Corcoran, R.N.V.R.

LCP 192 Sub-Lt. C. T. Kitching, R.N.V.R.

LCP 174 Sub-Lt R. C. A. BArnes, R.N.V.R.

LCP 173 Sub-Lt C. H. Lindfoot, R.N.V.R.

LCP 199 Sub-Lt C. W. Lindfoot, R.N.V.R.

LCP 172 Sub-Lt G. M. Doaman, R.N.V.R.

LCP 53    Sub-Lt N. Sparks, R.N.V.R.

LCP 28    Sub-Lt. J. H. Vellacott, R.N.V.R.

Fifth Flotilla

LCP 163 Lt. Cdr. N. C. Roulston, R.N.V.R. (Flotilla Officer)

LCP 614 Lt. R. F. H. Morgan, R.N.V.R.

LCP 165 Lt. A. Wilson, R.N.V.R.

LCP 166 Lt. E. R. C. Hunt, R.N.V.R.

LCP 167 Lt. C. Newman, R.N.V.R.

LCP 209 Lt. C. Tymms, R.N.V.R.

LCP 210 Lt. K. D. Cox, R.N.V.R.

LCP 208 Sub-Lt J. Vaughan, R.N.V.R.

LCP 155 Sub-Lt G. E. Evans, R.N.V.R.

LCP 45    Lt. R. F. McRae, R.N.V.R.

LCP 31    Sub-Lt. G. E. Evans, R.N.V.R.

LCP 163 Sub-Lt. D.B. Rogers, R.C.N.V.R.

Il n'existe pas, au sein des archives militaire, de document précisant le détail d'embarquement des LCP. Cependant, en regroupant les témoignages et l'information disponible, il est possible de déduire en partie l'organisation de l'embarquement.

LCP inconnu

Cpt G. Vandelac

Lt P. A. Trudel

LCP inconnu

Cpt L. Dumais

L/Cpl A. Taylor

LCP inconnu

Sgt A. Chabot

Cpt C. Camaraire

Cpt W.R. Dillion

LCP inconnu



Landing Craft Tank

2nd LCT Flotilla


LCT 1 - No 145

2nd LCT Flotilla

LCT 2 - No 127 Mk. II

Lt. P. Benoit

Pte A. Brisebois

Cpt R. H. Lajoie

Sgt P.G. Dubé

Cpl V. Desjardins

Cpl V. Marticotte

Cpl E. Lapointe

L/pl G. ou O. Mathieu

Pte G. Bernard

Pte P. Mercier

Pte G. Tremblay

Pte J. Dufresne

Pte A. ou L.L. Bouchard

Pte L. Mondoux

Pte A. ou R. Martin

Pte Maurice Tousignant

Pte A. Cinq-Mars

Pte J.B. Dussault

Pte A. Daoust

Pte A. Bélanger

Pte L. Drouin

Pte M. Pierre

Pte A. ou G. Morin

Pte Wilfred Nolet

Pte D. Monchamp

Pte G. St-Onge

Pte C. Blais

Pte C. ou G. Rochon

Pte G. ou J. Henault

Pte R. Martineau

Pte C. Ouimet

Pte R. Crevier

Pte J. Paquette

Seventh Fotilla

LCT 3 - No 159

Lt Y. Tétreault

Cpl M. Jolicoeur

PTE G. Varin

PTE A. Edmond

4th LCT Flotilla


LCT 16 - No 325 Mk. III


In an attempt to secure the vital eastern headland, the Military Force Commander, who apparently did not know fully of the critical position ashore, decided to send in his floating reserve the Fusiliers Mont-Royal to Red Beach.


With the aid of smoke, and in the face of avery heavy firing, some of them were successfully put ashore at 0704 under the direction of Lt. Cdr J.H. Dathan, R.N., Senior Officer of Group 7, in M.L.214. He took 26 L.C.P., losing two when beached and a third during the withdrawal. So intense was the enemy's fire that the Fusiliers achieved little or no success and suffered serious losses as soon as they landed. Two small parties succeeded in penetrating into the town and dock area, but few returned.

Meanwhile, owing to failure to allow for the then strong westerly set of the ride and the superabundance of smoke, some 300 officers and men of the Fusiliers had to be landed, not according to plan, but on the very constricted beach below the western headland. No frontal advance was praticable and attempts to move out on their flank proved unsuccessful.

Around noon 288 of them, of whom some 100 were wounded, surrendered.

The Landing of the Fusiliers

At 0630 hrs, accordingly, the entry was made in the ''Calpe'' Intelligence Log, ''Fus.M.R. going ashore Red beach".

Lt.-Col. Menard had gone aboard ''Calpe'' at 0610 hrs and had received his instruction. There instruction were now passed to the L.C.P.(L)a by loud hailer, to the following effect. Whereas in the event of everything going according to plan the Fus. M.R. had been instructed to concentrate, after landing, in the PARC JEHAN ANGO, preparatory to establishing an inner perimeter and covering the withdrawal of the main force.

Lt. A.A. Masson states that the boats, which navel evidence indicates were 26 in number, approached the beach in a single line. He believes, but is not entirely certain, taht the order of sub-units from right to left (i.e., from west to east) was ''D'' Coy, ''A'' Coy, ''C'' Coy; H.Q. Group; and ''B'' Coy.

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